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Faculty and Staff

Three male students working on iPads in the amphitheater with a teacher


At All Saints’, we believe relationships are the catalyst for learning. Our faculty and staff are the cornerstone of our amazing community and a point of distinction in the All Saints’ experience. The faculty and staff at All Saints’ are passionate, purposeful, and love what they do. Students feel known and valued, creating a rich, challenging learning experience within a supportive atmosphere.
A male student working with the teacher on the rug in a classroom
Exceptional Student-Teacher Ratio
At All Saints’ our student-teacher ratio is about 9:1. On average, classes from pre-kindergarten through eighth grade have 16 students. Our team of homeroom faculty and specialists provide individualized instruction through a mix of whole group, small group, and individual formats with a focus on relationship building to further engage students in learning.

Community of Support

Our team of learning specialists works to support our students and faculty, meeting each child where they are and guiding them as they find success. Our counselors work with each child to provide tools for social-emotional development and overall well-being. In addition to their work with individual children and families, our student support team partners with teachers, provides professional development for faculty members, and facilitates workshops for families.
All Saints' teacher listening to a workshop

Professional Development

We are heavily invested in the growth of our faculty and our teaching and learning practices. From on-campus workshops to trainings across the country, we are committed to staying on the leading edge of PK–8 education.

Search our Directory

Lindsay Bray

Lindsay Bray

Spanish Teacher
Bridget Brown

Bridget Brown

Fourth Grade Teacher
Courtney Byrd

Courtney Byrd

Fourth Grade Teacher
Katie Byrne

Katie Byrne

Second Grade Teacher
Melissa Campbell

Melissa Campbell

Director of Learning Services
Elizabeth Carson

Elizabeth Carson

MS English, Public Speaking Teacher
Joel Cejka

Joel Cejka

Technology Coordinator & iPad Specialist
Tamara Chavez

Tamara Chavez

Math Teacher
Julie Chisholm

Julie Chisholm

Director of Scholar and Family Support
Theresa Clements

Theresa Clements

Erin Cox Oney

Erin Cox Oney

Kelly Davis

Kelly Davis

Third Grade Teacher
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