Admission Process
Welcome to the admissions process, we look forward to working together! We highly encourage you to submit an inquiry form before starting an application so that we can provide the a personalized experience from start to finish. Once you have submitted an online application, we will assign a checklist to you. The checklist will outline additional required steps, such as electronically submitting transcripts and teacher recommendation forms. This checklist is a great way to stay informed as you navigate through required steps and meet important admissions deadlines.
Steps To Apply
Click on the drop down menu below to learn more about All Saints' application process. We are here to make the process as easy as possible. Please email us if you have questions at any time!
Pre-K and Kindergarten
Grades 1-4
Grades 5-8
Admissions Timeline
To ensure availability for scheduling one-on-one assessments, shadow days, and PK/K playdates, please complete your application as early as possible. These events should be scheduled through your Admissions Checklist no later than December 20.
October 2024
- October 7 Application process begins for the 2025–26 school year
- October 17: PK/K individual assessments begin. These visits will take place through January but should be scheduled immediately through your Admissions Checklist to ensure availability.
- October 21: Shadow days begin. These visits will take place through January but should also be scheduled right away through your Admissions Checklist. Available dates vary by grade.
January 2025
- January 25 Pre-kindergarten & Kindergarten Playdates
- January 31 Pre-kindergarten & Kindergarten Playdates
February 2025
- February 1 Grades 1–8 Assessment Day
- February 1 All applications, supporting documentation, and required steps due for first-round consideration.
Pre-kindergarten and Kindergarten applicants with complete files by February 1 may qualify for accelerated admission decisions.
March 2025
- March 7 First-round decisions announced
For More Information, Please Contact

Jacqueline Kennedy
Director of Admissions
The deadlines listed in the admissions timeline are for first round consideration. If an application or supplemental materials are received after the deadline, you will be considered in rolling admissions. For questions, at any point during this process, please contact the Office of Admissions. Thank you for your interest in an All Saints’ education.